Indian Malabar Monsoon

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Indian Malabar Monsoon is a heavy-bodied, spicy medium roast. There is a lot of sweet tones in this cup, featuring overtones of baker’s chocolate, soft fruit tones, and classic Indian spice notes. It’s also thick and creamy, with a distinct earthiness. It’s also very low in acidity due to the “monsooning” process.

 Roast Style

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Indian Malabar Monsoon is a heavy-bodied, spicy medium roast. There is a lot of sweet tones in this cup, featuring overtones of baker’s chocolate, soft fruit tones, and classic Indian spice notes. It’s thick and creamy, with a distinct earthiness. It’s also very low in acidity due to the “monsooning” process. Annual monsoon winds cause the beans to expand in size and acquire their unique, mellow flavor. During the rainy months of June through August, the coffee is spread inside the warehouses with very good aeration and ventilation at a particular thickness so that the coffee slowly absorbs moisture. After it absorbs sufficient moisture and bloats in size, it has to be periodically bulked and bagged and stacked so as to ensure proper and uniform “monsooning.” This process has to be carried out many times during the months of the monsoon. After six weeks’ time the green beans turn a beautiful golden yellow color, which mellows the cup and deepens the intensity of the flavor.

 Roast Style

Technical Information
Region: Malabar
Country: India
Elevation: 18m (60ft)
Harvest: October – February

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

1/2lbs, 1lbs


Chemex, Cone Auto Drip (Krups, Braun, etc), Espresso, Electric, Espresso, Stove Top, Flat Basket Auto Drip (Mr. Coffee, etc), French Press, Percolator, Turkish, Whole Bean


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